Brickell Key Miami

A birds-eye view of a little island in the middle of Miami. I took this from a hotel when I was down here recently. At night I sat in a lounge on the 36th floor and was surprised to find that most of these units were dark. I thought that was a little odd because as compared to other cities like New York or Vancouver. But then this is the middle of summer in Florida and I suppose most of these units are second homes or vacation getaways. Perhaps if I come back here in winter these will be all lit up like Christmas trees with escapees from colder climates.
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A birds-eye view of a little island in the middle of Miami. I took this from a hotel when I was down here recently. At night I sat in a lounge on the 36th floor and was surprised to find that most of these units were dark. I thought that was a little odd because as compared to other cities like New York or Vancouver. But then this is the middle of summer in Florida and I suppose most of these units are second homes or vacation getaways. Perhaps if I come back here in winter these will be all lit up like Christmas trees with escapees from colder climates.

Downtown Hartford at Night

The streets of some cities are deserted in the evening as most people have left for the suburbs. That leaves plenty of opportunity for taking pictures of the architecture and lights which create a mood found only after the sun sets. This is a pedestrian bridge in Hartford Connecticut. I combined two images, one sharp one blurred, to enhance the seasonal lights of that chilly December evening. As I write this its summer and would gladly take a quick blast of cool are from the night I took this.
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The streets of some cities are deserted in the evening as most people have left for the suburbs. That leaves plenty of opportunity for taking pictures of the architecture and lights which create a mood found only after the sun sets. This is a pedestrian bridge in Hartford Connecticut. I combined two images, one sharp one blurred, to enhance the seasonal lights of that chilly December evening. As I write this its summer and would gladly take a quick blast of cool are from the night I took this.

Walk in the Park

Sarasota Island Park is one of my favorite places to go for local photography. Just before sunset the shadows play on the walkway, something I like to capture.  I pick a spot and wait for someone to walk through the frame;  a street photography trick. In this case, it's the curve of the sidewalk and the shadows that I look for, and lucky me I got the whole family, a three for one deal.
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Sarasota Island Park is one of my favorite places to go for local photography. Just before sunset the shadows play on the walkway, something I like to capture. I pick a spot and wait for someone to walk through the frame; a street photography trick. In this case, it’s the curve of the sidewalk and the shadows that I look for, and lucky me I got the whole family, a three for one deal.

Empty Pier in the Afternoon

I came here to walk yesterday evening. This is the pier in St Petersburg Florida which is empty while the planners decide how to fix it up. In the meantime it's still a great place to walk or ride with the cool breeze of the bay on a hot afternoon. I love empty open places in the middle of a busy city. A few steps away from the noise and you have a place of quiet and solitude.
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I came here to walk yesterday evening. This is the pier in St Petersburg Florida which is empty while the planners decide how to fix it up. In the meantime it’s still a great place to walk or ride with the cool breeze of the bay on a hot afternoon. I love empty open places in the middle of a busy city. A few steps away from the noise and you have a place of quiet and solitude.