One of the best places to stand if you want to watch the world go by is by a central fountain in a european city. I stood in front of La fontaine des Trois Grâces in the center of Montpellier and no matter which way I looked there was something to watch. Sometimes quick, sometimes slow, but a lot of activity on all sides. Next time I should just stand there all day, stopping only for the occasional cappuccino and croissant.
The other day I was walking around the streets of old Montpellier in the afternoon. Is was a fun thing to do but towards the end of the day it started to rain. For most people that poses an inconvenience but for me it increases the possibilities for photos because of the reflections on the ground and reactions of people. Here I am walking back to a parking garage behind a couple of ladies sharing an umbrella. I ended up soaked to the bone but was pretty happy with some of the images. I was also glad I had a warm jacket in the car to change into.
Speaking of rain, I had this photo sitting in the hopper for a while. I was testing out a little plastic bag over my camera to use in the rain. So I went out to the front of my house and took pictures of the raindrops in the gutter. Maybe not as interesting as France, but fun nonetheless. Sometimes I wonder what the neighbors must think.
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This is a very hidden beach off the Lands End Trail in San Francisco. By hidden I mean it’s not easy to get to, so not many people come here. Having said that, it appeared to me there was a small dedicated group of people that come here for sunset and to get away from civilization for a bit. It’s amazing to think that surrounding this is the bustling vibrant city, yet here, exposed to the ocean and surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs you can feel quite remote. I don’t even know how I ended up here, just luck I guess.
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One day while in San Francisco I walked around the central part of the city. An afternoon walk can seem like quite a trek when you factor in the steep hills of the city. This scene was taken at the top of a hill on California Street as I was resting from an intense trek up. People who walk in this city must be pretty fit. I was dressed in long pants and long sleeves expecting cooler weather but it was quite warm. San Francisco can be unpredictable that way. This is a section of town where some of the architecture reflects victorian influences of the well heeled residents that live here. I, on the other hand, had to rely on my not so well heeled boots to walk back down to my hotel.
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A birds-eye view of a little island in the middle of Miami. I took this from a hotel when I was down here recently. At night I sat in a lounge on the 36th floor and was surprised to find that most of these units were dark. I thought that was a little odd because as compared to other cities like New York or Vancouver. But then this is the middle of summer in Florida and I suppose most of these units are second homes or vacation getaways. Perhaps if I come back here in winter these will be all lit up like Christmas trees with escapees from colder climates.
On Saturday night we went to South Beach for some Paella and atmosphere. If you’ve ever been you know we got plenty of both. Hot, electric, rhythm and energy all packed into a few blocks where everyone comes to strut their stuff and be seen. There is more life in a half block of South Beach than a mile of Miami. So we walked down the street and I snapped away so that I could bring a little bit of it home.
I took this in Avon which is just outside Hartford CT. It was late December so there was a chill in the air as I arrived before dawn to walk around the pond. This was just after sunrise about halfway around. The best part of being here early is the stillness of the water and the reflections that result. I finished the hike and headed to the airport to return home to Florida for the holidays.
Does anyone know what type of bird this is? I saw this fella at the Tampa zoo. His half whimsical half challenging look seemed to say (in a Robert De Niro voice) “you looking at me?”. Something tells me he was no pushover. I’m no dummy, I know when I’ve met my match.
I passed this wall art in lower Manhattan and thought the shadows added a different dimension to the art. That’s the thing about street art, the environment plays a role in the telling of the story. In this case, at least for me, the shadows and light transformed the art into something completely new. How cool is that?
Manatee Avenue Bridge on a foggy morning. It struck me that the bridge could be a metaphor for uncertainty. From time to time I feel like I’m crossing a chasm and there is no guarantee of success or what’s on the other side. It can be unsettling. But in the end I generally make it and end up a little stronger and a little wiser.