Twice I’ve had a chance to experience Autumn in the last year, once in North America and once in New Zealand. The crisp air is refreshing and adds a little bounce to my step. I took this the first day we arrived for a photo adventure in New Zealand and it has improved since then. Everyday we’ve had a cornucopia of colors, vistas and the breathtaking landscapes that exists only in New Zealand. Before I arrived I didn’t know a thing about this country, now I’m in love with it. Tomorrow we travel home to Florida with enlightened hearts and memories so full it will take months to process. In the coming weeks and months I’ll be sure to share more experiences with you through my photography. Have a wonderful day everyone.
Pond in Autumn
Back when autumn was still autumn I took this shot of a pond at the entrance to Stanley Park in Vancouver. Everyone was out taking pictures and there was a general feeling of urgency as we all wanted to capture the fall colors before they disappeared. At home in Florida we don’t really get colors like this so I was doubly stoked and walked around snapping shots for hours until the last light of the day. I’ve still got a few left from that day so I’ll post them from time to time even though autumn is long gone. See, I’m still stoked.
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Harvest Leaves
Today is Thanksgiving in the United States. When I was seven years old in grade school we would create autumn leaves from construction paper to commemorate Thanksgiving. Also I remember drawing a picture of a turkey that my grandmother kept at the cottage and which remained on the wall for years. These little things and many others have ingrained in my mind that the end of November is the harvest season, full of leaves and color. In actuality it seems that harvest season should be over by the end of November. For instance in Canada Thanksgiving is held at the beginning of October, to me that seems closer to harvest season than the end of November. I have no idea where I’m going with all this other than these autumn leaves reminded me of Thanksgiving and so I thought I’d post this picture today. For my friends in the U.S., Happy Thanksgiving. For the rest of you, get back to work, two more days until the weekend.
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