Time Slip

The day I took this I had to stay in my hotel room and work when I wanted to go out and take pictures. Nonetheless I got the idea to setup my camera and take multiple exposures throughout dusk and evening, this being the result. I was fortunate to have a nice view this week, usually I’m on a much lower floor looking at other buildings. This picture has multiple exposures combined, sunset on the top and evening on the bottom. I guess you can say I am moved time around to suit the shot.
The day I took this I had to stay in my hotel room and work when I wanted to go out and take pictures. Nonetheless I got the idea to setup my camera and take multiple exposures throughout dusk and evening, this being the result.  I was fortunate to have a nice view this week, usually I'm on a much lower floor looking at other buildings. This picture has multiple exposures combined, sunset on the top and evening on the bottom. I guess you can say I am moved time around to suit the shot.
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Yesterday I resolved to take a short walk and stopped by this lake. I’ve taken and posted others from here so I almost walked by. In the end I liked the shot an am beginning to realize that no matter how many times I’ve photographed a particular place, there are infinite perspectives to record and share. This is Hidden Lake in Stanley Park, it’s one of several I’ve posted from this location and, …probably not the last.
Yesterday I resolved to take a short walk and stopped by this lake. I've taken and posted others from here so I almost walked by. In the end I liked the shot an am beginning to realize that no matter how many times I've photographed a particular place, there are infinite perspectives to record and share. This is Hidden Lake in Stanley Park, it's one of several I've posted from this location and, ...probably not the last.
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DeSoto Magic

In many cases I prefer to take a picture after the sunset, the sky tends to be a little deeper and if the clouds are right, the glow can last for fifteen minutes or more. The waves appear calm which is due to the long exposure I used. Actually this is a combination of exposures which is what gives it the surreal feel. But come to think of it, the picture is about as close as I can get to the colors I experienced over that fifteen minute period. A magical moment indeed.
In many cases I prefer to take a picture after the sunset, the sky tends to be a little deeper and if the clouds are right, the glow can last for fifteen minutes or more. The waves appear calm which is due to the long exposure I used. Actually this is a combination of exposures which is what gives it the surreal feel. But come to think of it, the picture is about as close as I can get to the colors I experienced over that fifteen minute period. A magical moment indeed.

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YVR is the designation for Vancouver International Airport. Thousands of these florescent lights hang at odd angles throughout the airport. On this morning before a flight home I caught the attention of the cleaning staff as they looked at me and wondered what the heck I was taking a picture of.
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Siwash Rock

In Vancouver, at the furthest point along the Stanley Park seawall trail is this unusual formation known as Siwash Rock. Native Americans assign importance to this and the first time I saw it I too felt something special. It is the home of a couple of Canadian Geese which I know because I hiked to the overlook a few weeks ago and could clearly see the two, one resting and one surveying the sea. I’d think that among geese this is a coveted place to call home. Nonetheless, hundreds if not thousands of cyclist, joggers and hikers pass this rock each day. Seems like a great place for people watching, …especially if your a goose.
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Rental Stand

When I first saw this I thought of rum drinks on a tropical island somewhere. However this hut is actually a bike rental stand in at Fort DeSoto park in St. Petersburg, Florida. As it was close to sunset it seemed that all bikes had been returned and the attendant long gone, probably to have a tropical drink at some other stand. I’m still looking for that hut.
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